13th Edition BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards

Date d’ouverture des dépôts
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The Frontiers of Knowledge Awards honor fun-damental disciplinary or interdisciplinary ad-vances across a broad expanse of the knowledge map of the 21st century.

  • Object

The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards recognize fundamental contributionsi n a broad array of areas of scientific knowledge, technology, humanities and artistic creation.

  • Categories

The disciplines and domains of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards are:

  1. Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics)
  2. Biology and Biomedicine
  3. Information and Communication Technologies
  4. Ecology and Conservation Biology
  5. Climate Change
  6. Economics, Finance and Managemen
  7. Humanities and Social Sciences
  8. Music and Opera

The Climate Change award recognizes both re-search endeavors in confronting this challenge and impactful actions informed by the best sci-ence. In Humanities and Social Sciences, the award will alternate annually between these two disciplinary domains, with this thirteenth edition dedicated to the Humanities. Finally, the Music and Opera category encompasses composition, instrumental and vocal performance, musical and stage direction, and video art creation as-sociated with musical or operatic works.

  • Award content

The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards consist of 400,000 euros, a diploma and a commemorative artwork in each of their eight categories. In the event that an award is shared by more than one person, its monetary amount will be divided equally among all recipients.
All awards, in whatever category, will be subject to the withholding and other taxes prescribed by current legislation, which will be deducted from their total amount.

  • Candidates

Candidates may be one or more natural persons of any nationality, without limitation of number, that have made independent or convergent contributions to a given advance, whether due to a formal collaboration (with the nominees belonging to one or more groups) or parallel working. The awards are also open to scientific or cultural organizations that can be collectively credited with exceptional contributions to scientific knowledge, cultural creation or the fight against climate change.

Awards may not be granted posthumously.

  • Nomination

Nominations will be submitted by scientific or artistic societies, public or private R&D centers, hospital departments and biomedical research centers, schools of music, orchestras, public agencies and scientific, cultural and environmental organizations, and any other organizations stated in the call conditions.

Find all the information about the award here

Information and enquiries: awards-info@fbbva.es

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