Qlife Winter School: When epigenetics meet chromosomes

Date d’ouverture des dépôts
Date limite des dépôts

A joint program of the International Course on Epigenetics and the Qlife Winter School series in Quantitative Biology will take place from March 22th to March 31th, 2023.

Students can apply to this course according to two different modalities: the theoretical course + digital workshops or the theoretical course + specific platform visits.

  • The theoretical course + digital workshops will assemble world-leading experts from diverse fields to provide attendees with both the theoretical basis and practical data analysis know-how needed to develop a multiscale understanding of how chromosomes are organized. It is open to M2 and PhD students, as well as postdocs, engineers and junior scientists with backgrounds in life science, physics, computer science and mathematics. The course will extend from Wednesday, March 22 to Friday March 31. Common lunches and dinners with the speakers and instructors will foster informal discussions. Attendance is limited to 24 students.
  • The theoretical course + platform visits is similar to previous years International Course on Epigenetics. It includes introductory lectures, advanced seminars, student poster and article presentations, platform visit, career development discussions… It is exclusively open to M2 and PhD students. The main part of the theoretical course will extend from Wednesday, March 22 to Wednesday, March 29. Attendees can nevertheless follow lectures and seminars up to March 31. Attendance to the theoretical course only is limited to approximately 16 students.

The precised program is available here.

Course prerequisites
There are no specific requirements for following the theoretical course, but a motivation letter is requested.
For the digital workshops, a basic experience in file manipulation under Unix/Linux and coding ability in Python or R are required. Some knowledge or experience in the field is recommended.

Registration fees
For the theoretical course + platform visits, registration is free. Lodging will not be covered, but lunches and some of the dinners will be provided.
For the theoretical course + digital workshops, the registration fees are 150 €. Fees cover lodging from Wednesday 22 in the morning to Friday 31 in the afternoon, lunches and some dinners. Some travel grants will be available.


You must fill out this form to apply and send with “Epigenetics Course WS2023_LASTNAME” as subject header to qlife.events@psl.eu

  • a CV
  • a one page motivation letter (including justification for travel grant if requested)
  • a supporting letter from a supervisor


Deadline for application: December, 11th, 2022

More informations and application

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