PhD Thesis offer - Cancer research center of Lyon

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The PhD project aims at pursuing the exploration of the heterogeneity and role of Pituitary tumour microenvironment initiate within the lab. The work will focus on the role of Folliculo-stellate cells (FSCs) in tumour onset and aggressiveness progression.

The student will be involved in all aspects of the research project, from the histological cartography (using large scale 2D reconstruction modelling) of those cells within different subgroups to the functional characterization of a series of derived FSC lines from patients (real time behaviour imaging, comparative analysis of 2D/3D in vitro co-culture vs in vivo conditions, exposure to various physical constraints and molecular biology/gene expression analysis). The student will work in close collaboration with a technician and a post-doctoral fellow and will actively participate in the collective work of the lab. Note that the project may require some Interactions with EU collaborators, and therefore may imply a short-term EU-mobility.

Contact :

Philippe Bertolino
Gerald Raverot

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