Music from head to toe

Amphithéâtre Eicher, Université de Bourgogne 11 esplanade Erasme 21000 Dijon

Venez découvrir les effets de la musique sur notre cerveau, et bien plus encore !

Programme de la journée : 

  • Understanding connections between rhythm processing in music and speech, by Anna Fiveash, Neuroscience research centre, Lyon
  • Neuroal synchronisation to speech and nonspeech rhythm and language development in english, by Usha Goswami, Centre for neuroscience in education, University of Cambridge
  • Rhythm in the premature brain, by Sahar Moghimi, Reasearch group on multimodal analysis of brain function, Jules Verne University of Picardie, Amiens
  • Enhancing music reward through music sharing, by Laura Ferreri, department of brain behavioral sciences, Università degli studi di Pavia
  • Neural mechanisms for social interaction through music, by Giacomo Novembre, Neuroscience of perception & action laboratory italian institute of technology (IIT), Rome