Appel à candidature HFSP - Programme Postdoctoral Fellowships

Date d’ouverture des dépôts
Date limite des dépôts

Human Frontier Science Program lance son appel à candidatures 2021 pour le programme "Postdoctoral Fellowships", ouvert non seulement aux projets en sciences de la vie (Long-term Fellowships) mais également pour des domaines interdisciplinaires (Cross-Disciplinary Fellowships) destinées aux candidats titulaires d'un doctorat en physique, chimie, mathématiques, ingénierie ou informatique.

The HFSP fellowship program supports proposals for frontier, potentially transformative research in the life sciences. Applications for high-risk projects are particularly encouraged. The projects should be interdisciplinary in nature and should challenge existing paradigms by using novel approaches and techniques. Scientifically, they should address an important problem or a barrier to progress in the field.

HFSP postdoctoral fellowships encourage early career scientists to broaden their research skills by moving into new areas of study while working in a new country.

The application guidelines for the 2021 fellowship competition are available here.

Fellowship application initiation deadline (to obtain a reference number): August 13, 2020.

  Fellowship application submission deadline: August 27, 2020.  


The following information is intended for applicants who are concerned about international travel and mobility due to the COVID-19 pandemic: HFSPO is monitoring the development of the pandemic very closely and will provide assistance and flexibility in case of circumstances that may prevent an awardee to pick up the fellowship as anticipated.

Pour plus d’information :

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